

投诉处理程序Complaint handling procedure



SGS is committed to providing independent, fair, precise, and excellent services to global customers, and continuously improving service quality and transparency. If you believe that our service has not met your expectations, you can call our complaint handling hotline at 4008803955 or directly contact the customer service staff who are in contact with you to initiate a complaint request.


Your opinions and suggestions are very important for our company to further improve and enhance our service quality.


您对SGS服务过程或产品(报告/证书)质量,或投诉处理过程本身,没有达到您的期望,向SGS提出不满意的意思表示。(参照ISO 10002)

Complaint Definition:

You issue a complaint when you are dissatisfied with SGS“s service process or the quality of its product (report/certificate), or the complaint handling process itself, which does not meet your expectations. (Refer to ISO 10002)



  • 事件经过的信息及资料收集;
  • 分析原因;
  • 纠正措施的合理性评估及有效性验证;
  • 考虑是否增加必要的预防措施;(适用时)
  • 处理意见;(适用时)


Whether you initiate a complaint or appeal request through a complaint handling hotline or a customer service staff member, we will immediately register and record your complaint information in the complaint-related event information processing system. We will officially confirm to you within 24 hours that your complaint has been received, and we will immediately investigate and handle it. The company”s quality management department will supervise the entire complaint handling processto ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the entire investigation and handling process. At the same time, the quality manager of the department in question will be responsible for organizing and coordinating relevant personnel to follow up on the following work:

  • Collection of information and materials related to the event;
  • Cause analysis;
  • Reasonability evaluation and effectiveness verification of the corrective measures; (When applicable)
  • Consideration of the necessary preventive measures; (When applicable)
  • Advice on the above work; (When applicable)


All relevant information will be recorded and saved in the database.



We will provide you with feedback on the investigation results, applicable corrective measures, and seek for your further thoughts as soon as possible. If the complaint involves multiple company entities or is affected by force majeure factors, the investigation period may be appropriately extended.

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